Back-To-School Resources
Acknowledgment Form for Discipline Code/Student Handbook/Acceptable Use of Internet/Etc.
All students and families will receive an Acknowledgment Form on the Sapphire Community Portal. Please take the time to review with your child(ren) the PRSD Discipline Code and Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources on the district’s website, as well as the Student Handbook, found in front of your child’s assignment notebook. This form should be completed by the end of the first full week of school.
Demographic Forms
In case of emergency, it is important that we have current contact information available. Demographic update forms will be available on Sapphire and it is imperative that you review and update this information. Also, complete the health section. These should be completed by the end of the first full week of school.
Dress Code
As you shop for school clothes, please keep the following dress code guidelines in mind. Teachers and administrators will be strictly enforcing this Code and we appreciate parent support in this endeavor. Students found to be out of compliance with the dress code will be asked to call a parent to have alternative clothing brought to school. To view an overview, guidelines and more, visit this link for details.
Getting Involved at PRMS
At PRMS there are many ways to get involved. If you are considering joining a club and/or playing a sport, be sure to initiate your $100 activity fee and/or get a physical exam. All information can be found on our website.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Children need healthy meals to learn. Access the application for free and reduced lunches or paper copies can be found in the MS office. You must reapply every new school year.
Middle school students will be able to view the following information in Sapphire the week prior to the start of school
- Class Schedule
- Homeroom Assignment
- Bus Information
Visit the Sapphire Information Page for instructions.
Important Dates to Remember 2024-25 School Year
- First Day of School: Thursday, August 22
- Parent Night (Meet the Teacher): Thursday, September 5
- Picture Day: Thursday, September 5 (order forms will be distributed in school and online links provided in the Friday Flash)
- Parent/Teacher Conferences: Monday and Tuesday, November 4 and 5
Locker information will be available on Sapphire prior to the start of school. Students can practice opening their lockers when they visit the school on the designated visitation days. Teachers will be available to assist you with opening your locker at the start of school. See the attachment on How to Open a PRMS Student Locker if you have questions. For security reasons, locker numbers and combinations will not be given over the phone.
There are often opportunities at the middle school for photographing/videotaping of students. If you do not want your child’s photo to be included in our yearbook, website, etc., please complete an online form; otherwise, we will assume we have your permission to do so.
The Pine-Richland School District Department of Student Services and Special Education launched an initiative to deploy a district-wide system of positive behavioral supports and interventions. The purpose is to provide an intentional and preventative approach to improve upon a positive school climate. Procedural and behavioral expectations will be intentionally communicated and taught at appropriate developmental-levels from grades K through 12. Read more about the initiative at Pine-Richland Middle School.
Please remember that you have been placed in classes based upon your individual educational needs, course requests, class sizes and teacher availability. We will not accept requests for team changes or course changes. However, if you do notice an error on your schedule, please contact the School Counseling Office at 724-625-3111 (Jennifer Mullaugh, ext. 2229 for 8th grade students, and Michael Rose, ext. 2230 for 7th grade students). See How to Read a PRMS Student Schedule if you have questions.