Musical Archives
Cinderella was performed April 12 and 13 at Pine-Richland Middle School.
Legally Blonde, Jr. was an exciting musical that was brought to the Middle School with a new director Jamie Stark.
The cast and crew put on a strong performance of song and dance that included special effects and the use of a green screen.
The Pine-Richland Middle School's first ever musical film premiered on May 21, 2021. Viewers streamed the cast's & crew's performances safely from anywhere around the world. When COVID-19 safety protocols prohibited our actors from performing mask-less on stage together, the production staff used video editing techniques to make it appear their students sung side by side.
The Pine-Richland Middle School presented a lively version of Seussical, Jr. on January 30 - February February 1. This production boasted 60 cast members and 32 stage crew students as well as 10 high school students who served as “mentors” to the crew kids and stage managers. Click on the headline to see photos and more!
Pine-Richland Middle School students took audience members back to the eighties through the production of “Footloose.” The musical is based on the 1984 movie and follows lead character Ren and his mother’s move from Chicago to a small farming town, where Ren finds it tough to adjust to the local way of life, which includes a ban on dancing. In all, 74 students took to the stage with lively song and dance numbers. Click on article headline for photos and more.
Pine-Richland Middle School students spent many hours on vocals, perfecting choreography and assembling a colorful set for four performances of Disney’s The Lion King Jr. that they preformed March 30 - April 1, 2017.
Pine-Richland Middle School Showcases Outstanding Production of Once Upon a Mattress! Students in the Pine-Richland Middle School Drama Club combined excellent choreography when it came to dance, timing and vocals for the 2017-2018 middle school musical.